import {
} from './base'
import {
} from './utils'
* @param {Array} array - a simple array
* @returns {Array} - a new array without false value
export function compact(list) {
assert(isArray(list), `compact(list): expect list to be type of Array, but got ${typeOf(list)}`)
return list.filter(item => item ? true : false)
* usage - react list render
* @param {Array<Object>} collection - a list of plain object
* @param {String} [prefix] - add prefix for each key
* @returns {Array<Object>} - return a copy list of plain object who's 'key' property has been setted
export function addKey(list, propName, prefix = '') {
assert(isArray(list), `addkey(list): expect list to be type of Array, but got ${typeOf(list)}`)
return, key) => {
if (typeOf(item.key) !== 'Undefined') {
return item
let copy = deepCopy(item)
propName = propName || 'id'
copy.key = prefix + (typeOf(copy[propName]) !== 'Undefined' ? copy[propName] : key)
return copy
export function head(list, size = 1) {
assert(isArray(list), `head(list, size): expect list to be type of Array, but got ${typeOf(list)}`)
const realSize = Math.min(size, list.length)
if (realSize === 0) return ''
if (realSize === 1) return list[0]
return list.slice(0, realSize)
* @param {Array} list - a simple array
* @param {Number} size - the size of the trancated list
* @return {Any | Array} - the trancated list or the last item
export function tail(list, size = 1) {
assert(isArray(list), `tail(list, size): expect list to be type of Array, but got ${typeOf(list)}`)
const realSize = Math.min(size, list.length)
if (realSize === 0) return ''
if (realSize === 1) return list.slice(-1)[0]
return list.slice(-realSize)
* @param {Array} list - a simple array
* @return {Any} - any type in the list
export function middle(list) {
assert(isArray(list), `middle(list): expect list to be type of Array, but got ${typeOf(list)}`)
const len = list.length
return list[Math.floor((len + 1) / 2) - 1]
* @param {Array} list - a simple array
* @returns {Int} - the index of the middle item in the list
export function midIndex(list) {
assert(isArray(list), `midIndex(list): expect list to be type of Array, but got ${typeOf(list)}`)
const len = list.length
return Math.floor((len + 1) / 2) - 1
* @param {Array} list - a simple array
* @param {Function} func - a compare function
* @returns {Array} - a sorted list
export function quickSort(list, func = compare) {
assert(isArray(list), `quickSort(list, func): expect list to be type of Array, but got ${typeOf(list)}`)
let listLen = list.length
if (listLen < 2) return [...list]
let leftSide = []
let rightSide = []
let headItem = head(list)
for (let i = 1; i < listLen; i++) {
let item = list[i]
if (func(item, headItem)) {
} else {
return [...quickSort(leftSide, func), headItem, ...quickSort(rightSide, func)]
function compare(a, b) {
return a > b
* @param {Array} list - a simple array
* @param {Number} num - the size of the largest list
* @return {Array} - the larget list
export function nlargest(list, num = 1) {
assert(isArray(list), `nlargest(list, num): expect list to be type of Array, but got ${typeOf(list)}`)
return quickSort(list, (a, b) => a < b).slice(0, num)
* @param {Array} list - a simple array
* @param {Number} num - the size of the smallest list
* @returns {Array} - the smallest list
export function nsmallest(list, num = 1) {
assert(isArray(list), `nsmallest(list, num): expect list to be type of Array, but got ${typeOf(list)}`)
return quickSort(list).slice(0, num)
* @param {Array} list - a simple array
* @returns {Array} - return a reordered list
export function shuffle(list) {
assert(isArray(list), `shuffle(list): expect list to be type of Array, but got ${typeOf(list)}`)
const len = list.length
const r = [...list]
let randIdx, midValue
for (let i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
randIdx = randInt(i + 1, len)
midValue = r[i]
r[i] = r[randIdx]
r[randIdx] = midValue
return r
* @param {Array} array - a simple array
* @returns {Array} - return a new array without doubled values
export function uniq(list) {
assert(isArray(list), `uniq(list): expect list to be type of Array, but got ${typeOf(list)}`)
return [ Set(list)]